Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Prayer From My Heart.

As I look outside my box I see the clouds are gone. I wonder who made them disappear and I realize its Faith, Hope, and Love. These things only come from the man upstairs. Why does he even care for a person like me??? Who am I to worry for Lord? I need you in my life, I want to hunger for your love, I want to fight for your truth. How can I not?? 
You have been my savior since the day I was born. None other could of made me, Preemie, w no complications. My days of grief and heartache you have been there to catch my tears on your shoulder. I want my future to be a Godly one and my present to be a sacrifice to you. Lord, help me be more like you with a passionate heart and a soul for peace. 
I want to be a great example to my son. I want him to have peace, love, patience, and kindness in his heart, soul and spirit. I want to raise him into a Godly man, A man who knows that you are his fortress and whenever he feels lonely he knows that he has the Lord of Lords guiding his every step. I want to be his example and through me I want him to see your love. Love so unconditional that not even the devil himself can shake. Lord, help me be his teacher and teach him not only his fundamentals but also the word of God. I want him to shine with your love. I want him not to be ashamed or fearful of what others might think of him. I am his teacher here on earth but you are the one teaching me.
Thank you for trusting me with a wonderful son like him. He shines with happiness and joy each and everyday. How can someone not see his precious smiling face and not believe in you. You made him perfect as can be, perfect for ME. I wake up every morning to his beautiful face and I cant help but praise your name. I now understand what joy and peace really are. I see them in his eyes when he plays, runs and even cries. I see him trust me, know me and he understands I will never leave his side. And that's how we should be with you Lord. I want to know you from the inside out. I want you to be my all in all. Show me your mercy, Hold me in your arms. Guide my way and embrace my heart. 
I never want to leave your side. Life with out your love is cold, dark and lonely. Never do i want to be with out your love. Thank you for guiding my every step, Loving my heart, and refreshing my soul.
In your precious name i pray. 

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